3 Jan 2014

making rear frame

These dropouts needed finishing.
 I used handy disc grinder and file. the axel's diameter is 9 mm. but it's screw. so in this case the hole is just 9 mm is best.
 Then I have started making rear frame. Normaly python makers use the front fork. I can't get good one. So I try to make rear part from scratch.
 This is bridge which connects 2 rectangulars. I got some advise to make rear fork by myself from Master of Fuden. Fuden is garage to support DIY.
 So I connects rear parts to connect wooden parts which we can see wooden house.
It isn't easy. but to make strongness, the contruction is needed.
 2 longer rectangulars are to be fork. they have 2 holes. but they are wrong. I had mistakes. I can repair the holes by welding. There is no problem.
 The bridge's edges were cutted. 2 rectanglar bars are insert from the both sides.
 Ofcourse the edge of the rectangular needs angle to fit the bridge.
 I think that I do my best.
 I noticed their holes were wrong in here.
 Then I drilled right holes.
 Then the edge was cut to fit the bridge.
 like this. Next step is attaching dropouts.
 at first I cut like this. but I changed a little.
Then I did like this. to attach dropouts, should I use soldering ? Ordinally, soldering is used. But the thickness of dropout and the wall of rectangular is different. one is 6 mm, the other is 1.6 mm. I guess the soldering is hard in this case. But if I use welding, I cant adjust the position of dropouts. Any way attaching dropouts is last job in making rear part. I need preparing to welding.