Today is the second day to work at my friend's factory.
We attached the seat to the python.
The seat attaches to the python with triangle parts made from pipe which the diameter 10 mm. we have to cut the pipe to fit to the rectangular body. Yesterday, we had the problem. the cutting is very hard. However, after one night, we could get the solution.
At first, 3 pipes are cut and the 2 of them have slit to bend. then bended parts are welded to the another pipe to adjust the angle.
Then, made the part is putted on the body, and marked the parallel to the surface of the body. this time, we used masking tape. then it is cut along the line.
after that, the welding to fix is started.
How nice welding !
Then the part is putted on the body and welded.
The welding is well done.
This is large version.
The edges are welded to the dropouts.
The other edges are welded to the top of rear fork.
It looks like japanese shrine's gate.
The master is welding the last triangle part.
They are fenders which were made by myself. The master taught me the way. The both edges were bend.
more one stay is welded. it works to attach the fender.
Today's final shot. it looks like the python made by Dirk Bonne. The construction is made from rectangular and round pipe.
Tomorrow's work will be for fender and handle for steering.