Recumbent lowracer Driving and steering with Front wheel

This is first prot type recumbent lowracer of this type.
 The recutangular frame is used mainly. Because it's easy to weld them. almostly the jig doesn't be needed.
I designed this for DIY. I'm thinking to sell the technical drawing.
I blog my making stuff in this blog. They will become manual for DIY.

If you'd like to get completed frame, the frame will be made in the Prison.
The prisoner's welding skill is enough to make frame, I think.

Unfortunately, I don't like writing any things in japanese language. The language is heavy for my brain, Although it's my mother language.

Total Length:1970mm
Wheel base:
Ground clearance:
Seat height:
Needed insane length:

Total riding distance:

Some movies: