At first I made stays for it.
This time, front wheel's over lock nut length 135mm. And I put on chain wheel for road. So the chain line is problem.
By the over lock nut length extend 5mm from road's, rear cassette sprocket moves to out side 2.5mm from the center.
So double chain wheel(road)'s chain line is 43.5mm. I think as the front chain line ,43.5+2.5 mm is good. I moved BB shell'center 2.5mm from the center line. That means the front wheel chain line is 46mm.
Then tacking, welding.
The front and center-rear part were connected. The center line is so so. I need a little filling to adjust.
I bent 2 tubes for new seat. The diameter 16mm.
next, I finish new seat and I make some parts to attach the seat.
This time, front wheel's over lock nut length 135mm. And I put on chain wheel for road. So the chain line is problem.
By the over lock nut length extend 5mm from road's, rear cassette sprocket moves to out side 2.5mm from the center.
So double chain wheel(road)'s chain line is 43.5mm. I think as the front chain line ,43.5+2.5 mm is good. I moved BB shell'center 2.5mm from the center line. That means the front wheel chain line is 46mm.
Then tacking, welding.
The front and center-rear part were connected. The center line is so so. I need a little filling to adjust.
I bent 2 tubes for new seat. The diameter 16mm.
next, I finish new seat and I make some parts to attach the seat.