Actually, Python don't need the handle to turn.
I prepared newer designed brakes and gear changers. For that, my python needs The normal sized handle.
I'm very sorry for forgetting taking a picture still welding handle post. It's welded between seat rectangular and pivot of suspension.
The height is lower not to touch to the belly.
The handle is attached like this.
The brake and gear changer is attached the edges of the handle. V brakes were installed.
For the rear,too. But I had a mistake to adjust rear one. I need more one cable for the brake.
The chain was connected by vice way of cutting. It was very difficult way. I stopped the derailleur's spring movement with the hammer and used chain cutter.
The chain wasn't put on the front gear when it was connecting. After connecting, I noticed the smallest front gear isn't available because the upper chain does touch the frame.
In this case, how should we do to use smallest front gear ? I have a piece of iron plate. If the part to touch chain on the frame chipped and covered and welded with iron plate, the hardness will be weaker ?
The hammock seat came back.
The other problem is what my legs are short for this python.
Not fine.