8 May 2016

2 rollers brass buckle

I made 3 brass buckles with silver soldering.
At first cutting parts. The thickness of the brass sheet is 1.5 mm.
 Copper tube.
 3mm and 4 mm brass rods.
 Filing all parts to get precise measurements.

 They are checked on the drawing before soldering.

 When the soldering didn't go well, I clean the part by the acid and try again.
 4 mm brass rod is hard to bend.
  I filed them to be a hald diameter.

 Bending is power work. I don't like that.

 Not so bad !

 Cleaning by the acid. Actually the green liquid is cleaner for toilette. The time of the phase is about 5 minutes. It is copper plating a little.
 I polish the brass parts of the front side.
I used one for my leather belt.