Next maked the angle of 90 to fit rectangular by hand disc grinder.
Then, they were cramped and welded. The position is dicided to fit V brakes. However for rectangular, more deep cutting is needed, I have noticed later.
I replaced older v brake parts to new one. I used a new parts for front V brake.
When I attached tire to front part, the dropout bended to inside a little. It was hard to insert the screw to dropouts. So I adjust the angle of dropout by hammer. then welded point broke. I re-welded there. My welding technique is poor yet.
On above photo, those pivots for v brakes were welded again. I want to paint V brakes yellow.
I attached shaft for crank. but the shaft and BBS works for steering. The screw was so hard. probably, by the high temparature of welding changed the cylindrical form a little. Next time, with attached he screw caps and welding is better, I think.
When attached those shaft for BBS, I putted in grease.
This is for cranks.
Today's working was completed. the place where the handle is attached is back of BBS, I think. BBS for crank can be attached more near to tires, if my legs are too shorter. Next time, I try connecting middle and front parts and attache handle and making stand then attach crank and pedal and chain then adjust them.
More longer time as day is needed.
If This python works well, I want to change tires to the other one to fit on road.
I should make it by myself or buy completed tires. it's problem, however, I can't get rear hub for boss free. The sprocket is new and the price is about 9 euro. But the problem of money is bigger one for me always.