I have much time to spend a time still an appointment and I enjoyed playing inline skating during waiting.
This is hikari ga oka metro station.
Here is hikari ga oka park. we can enjoy skating here.
Here is jingu gaien maple street, also famous roller skating spots.
I visited some famous shop in kanda jinbo town.
V3 kadoya has kind service. I love the shop but it doesn't have smaller cone.
The other shop's shopper is very strange. When I entered there, I asked about the defference of cones which prices also defference. He explained roughly and looked angly, said that we don't have any customer to ask repaire the inline skate boots which doesn't are bought from our shop. The seba boots has problem in many case. we can support such case for only customer who bought the boots our shop.
In fact I bought my seba boots from yahoo auction and they were parallel imported, I guess. I never have any problem about them and Off course I never ask my boots to repaire.
His shop is only one distributer of Seba in japan. Seba is famous inline skate boot maker in france.We can buy Seba's boots which were imported parallelly through yahoo auction with cheaper price. we can buy them from china or in china,too by private importing.
In that case, we should have maintenance them by my self or send to the shop in china to repaire. The boots are designed in france and made in china.
It's common knowledge. I have asperger's syndrom, so my sociality is poor, but I know it.
however, If we buy the parts for maintenance from such distributer, it's better. Because It's expenshiver to import a few parts from abroad.
I think that there is no problem to buy only parts to repaire by myself at distributer's shop.
The distributer's business is good for consumer really and actually ? The boots which are selled by such distributers are expenshiver and they can't repaire serious problem. Because they just sell them and their parts.
Do we never need such distributer ?
How about this thing ?