29 Apr 2013

detatched paint and welding small plates to front part and making seat

The paint was detached.
chemical detach ! is nice solution, I think.
It can be wipe off with water.
More one detaching was needed.
I misunderstood that just one triangle plate was needed. Actually, more one triangle ( trapezuim is right ) and one square plates are needed.
 When I make a small plate, I use hand disk grinder to cut.
 Nice fitting ! A small hole on BBS needs to covered, I think.
 Welded the triangle plate, then the square plate was fitted.
 Welded. And more one square plate was welded at near BBS at the other side.
 For seat, more one front folk is used. This time, I can't get one for 20 inches tire, then I use one for 26 inches.
 It was cutted at 60 mm from the top. Then grinded to fit handle. It fitted just a little to front side. Because after that The iron rods for head rest will be welded the back side.
 Cramped and welded.
 Then the both side of handle were cutted at 140 mm from the center. I tried to use pipe cutter.
 How long the legs !
Can we get the cap for the edge of the handle ?